
𓊃 - Egyptian

Glyph origin

Representing a door bolt used in double doors. The bulges in the center kept the bolt restrained between two fastening rings on one door; slid from one end to the other, it would pass through a third fastening ring on the other door and so lock it. When summarized, the bulges could be reduced to a pair of rounded dots. This glyph was conventionally colored red. The phonogrammatic value derives by the rebus principle from its use as a logogram for z (door bolt).


(z, s)

  1. Uniliteral phonogram for z; after Old Egyptian, this phoneme merged with s, so that this glyph became an alternative phonogram for s.
  2. Logogram for z (door bolt; being; type of fish).
  3. Logogram for ḫm (Letopolis), by confusion with (𓋉).

Usage notes

Homophonic to

(𓋴) after Old Egyptian, when the two sounds merged.

Meaning and Definition of ๐“Šƒ
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