See also: 9 and i

⠊ - Translingual

A character of the braille script, standardized internationally as the letter i and the digit 9.


  1. (Braille) i
  2. (Braille, often preceded by capital sign ) Upper-case letter I
  3. (Greek Braille) ι (i)
  4. (Yugoslav Braille) i / и
  5. (Russian Braille) и (i)
  6. (Hebrew Braille) יִ (i)
  7. (Arabic, Persian Braille) ي (y), ی
  8. (Tibetan Braille) (-i)
  9. (Chinese Braille) The rime yi/-i
  10. (Chinese Two-Cell Braille) The onset b- or the rimes or
  11. (Taiwan Braille) The onset sh
  12. (Cantonese Braille) The rime i
  13. (Thai Braille) The vowel โ◌ o (the same as in Japanese Braille)
  14. (Korean Braille) Initial (d)

Usage notes

  • (Chinese Braille) Although written the same in pinyin, this is not the rime of ci, chi, ri, si, shi, zi, zhi, which is omitted in Chinese braille. This is clearer in zhuyin, which also omits this rime, and in Wade-Giles, which uses a different transcription than i.


  1. (Braille, often preceded by number sign ) The digit 9.

⠊ - Japanese


(romaji o)

  1. The hiragana syllable (o) or the katakana syllable (o) in Japanese braille.
Meaning and Definition of ⠊
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