
See also: там

тям - Bulgarian


  • IPA: [tʲa̟m]


тям (tjam) (personal)

  1. (dated) full form of the third-person plural pronoun in the dative case, used as the indirect object of a verb; to them, for them, them
    • Тям дадоха наградата.
      • Tjam dadoha nagradata.
      • The award was given to them.

Usage notes

  • The full dative form is considered outdated and is usually substituted by the preposition на (na) and the accusative form:
    • На тях дадоха наградата.
      • Na tjah dadoha nagradata.
      • The award was given to them.
Number Person Gender Nominative (subject) Accusative (direct complement) Dative (indirect complement) Prepositional
Full Short Full Short
SingularFirst аз (az) мен (men) ме́не (méne) ме (me) ме́не (méne) ми (mi) мен (men) ме́не (méne)
SecondInformal ти (ti) теб (teb) те́бе (tébe) те (te) те́бе (tébe) ти (ti) теб (teb) те́бе (tébe)
Formal Ви́е (Víe) Вас (Vas) Ви (Vi) Вам (Vam) Ви (Vi) Вас (Vas)
ThirdMasculine той (toj) не́го (négo) го (go) не́му (nému) му (mu) не́го (négo)
Feminine тя (tja) не́я (néja) я (ja) ней (nej) ѝ (ì) не́я (néja)
Neuter то (to) не́го (négo) го (go) не́му (nému) му (mu) не́го (négo)
PluralFirst ни́е (níe) ний (nij) нас (nas) ни (ni) нам (nam) ни (ni) нас (nas)
SecondInformal ви́е (víe) вий (vij) вас (vas) ви (vi) вам (vam) ви (vi) вас (vas)
Formal Ви́е (Víe) Вас (Vas) Ви (Vi) Вам (Vam) Ви (Vi) Вас (Vas)
Third те (te) тях (tjah) ги (gi) тям (tjam) им (im) тях (tjah)
Meaning and Definition of тям
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