
See also: пэ

пе - Erzya


пе (pe)

  1. end

пе - Moksha


пе (pe)

  1. boundary, edge
  2. end
  3. ending (as of a story, etc.)
  4. edge
  5. tip
  6. outskirts, periphery


singular plural
nominative пе (pe) пет (pet)
genitive пень (peń)
dative пенди (penďi)
ablative педа (peda)
inessive песа (pesa)
elative песта (pesta)
illative пес (pes)
prolative пева (peva)
comparative пешка (peška)
translative пекс (peks)
abessive пефтома (peftoma)
causative пенкса (penksa)
singular plural
nominative песь (peś) петне (petńe)
genitive петь (peť) петнень (petńeń)
dative пети (peťi) петненди (petńenďi)

Derived terms

Meaning and Definition of пе
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