
See also: Variations of "oh" and Variations of "on"

он - Adyghe

Alternative forms


  • IPA: [wan]


он (won) (??? please indicate transitivity!)

  1. to hit someone or something physically and directly (not by throwing for example)
    • кӏалэр дэпкъым ео
      • kʼalɛr dɛpqəm jewo
      • the boy is hitting the wall. (transitive)
    • усэоныу уфая?
      • wusɛwonəwu wufaja?
      • Do you want me to hit you? (transitive)
    • Кӏалэм уемэу
      • Kʼalɛm wujemɛwu
      • Don't hit the boy. (transitive)
    • А кӏалэхэр къуотых
      • A kʼalɛxɛr qʷuwotəx
      • Those boys will hit you. (transitive)
    • Кӏалэр мао
      • Kʼalɛr mawo
      • The boy is hitting. (intransitive)
  2. to eat with gusto
    • нэкӏо пицэ ткъеот
      • nɛkʷʼo picɛ tqewot
      • Let's eat a pizza! (with gusto) (transitive)
    • пицэ укъеота?
      • picɛ wuqewota?
      • Are you going to eat a pizza? (with gusto) (transitive)
    • кӏалэр пицэ ео
      • kʼalɛr picɛ jewo
      • The boy is eating a pizza (with gusto) (transitive)
  3. to play music
    • кӏалэр гитарым къео
      • kʼalɛr ɣitarəm qewo
      • the boy is playing the guitar (transitive)
    • пяноуым шъукъеуа?
      • pjanowəm šʷuqewa?
      • Do you (plural) play the piano? (transitive)
    • пшынэм еу
      • pšənɛm jewu
      • Play the accordion. (transitive)
  4. to shake (milk)
  5. to shoot (кӏэрахъомкӏэ еон)
    • кӏалэр кӏэрахъомкӏэ ео тгъужъым
      • kʼalɛr kʼɛraχʷomkʼɛ jewo tğʷuẑəm
      • The boy is shooting the wolf with the gun. (transitive)
  6. to spend money thriftily
  7. to sting
  8. to weed
  9. to smoke
    • лӏэр хьащищ ео
      • lˢʼɛr ḥaśiś jewo
      • The man is smoking hashish. (transitive)
  10. (mathematics) to multiply
    • щым плӏыкӏэ уеомэ пшӏыкӏутӏу къычӏэкьижьыт
      • śəm plˢʼəkʼɛ wujewomɛ pšʼəkʷʼutʷʼu qəĉʼɛkʲiźət
      • If you multiply three times four it will make twelve. (transitive)



singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
to me (къысешӏэ) to you (къуешӏэ) to him (решӏэ) to us (къытешӏэ) to you (къышъуешӏэ) to them (ярешӏэ)
singular 1st person present сызэо усэо сео - шъусэо сао
past сызэуагъ усэуагъ сеуагъ - шъусэуагъ сауагъ
future сызэощт усэощт сеощт - шъусэощт саощт
singular 2st person present укъысэо узэо уео укъытэо - уао
past укъысэуагъ узэуагъ уеуагъ укъытэуагъ - уауагъ
future укъысэощт узэощт уеощт укъытэощт - уаощт
singular 3st person present къысэо къоо ео къытэо къышъоо яо
past къысэуагъ къоуагъ еуагъ къытэуагъ къышъоуагъ яуагъ
future къысэощт къоощт еощт къытэощт къышъоощт яощт
plural 1st person present - утэо тео тызэо шъутэо тао
past - утэуагъ теуагъ тызэуагъ шъутэуагъ тауагъ
future - утэощт теощт тызэощт шъутэощт таощт
plural 2st person present шъукъысэо - шъео шъукъытэо шъузэо шъуао
past шъукъысэуагъ - шъеуагъ шъукъытэуагъ шъузэуагъ шъуауагъ
future шъукъысэощт - шъеощт шъукъытэощт шъузэощт шъуаощт
plural 3st person present къысэох къоох еох къытэох къышъоох яох
past къысэогъэх къоогъэх еогъэх къытэогъэх къышъоогъэх яогъэх
future къысэощтых къоощтых еощтых къытэощтых къышъоощтых яощтых


subject singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
сэо оо мао тэо шъоо маох
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
singular 1st person сызэуажьы укъысэуа къысэуа - шъукъысэуа къысэуах
2nd person усэуа узэуажьы къыоуа утэуа - къыоуах
3rd person сеуа уеуа еуа теуа шъуеуа еуах
plural 1st person - укъытэуа къытэуа тызэуажьы шъукъытэуа къытэуах
2nd person шъусэуа - къышъоуа шъутэуа шъузэуажьы къышъоуах
3rd person сауа уауа ауа тауа шъуауа ауах


Prefix Meaning Word
те on теон
чӏэ under чӏэон
дэ inside another object дэон
хэ through хэон
и inside ион
ӏу around ӏуон
пы hanging/attached пыон
къо behind къоон
го besides гоон
бгъодэ besides бгъодэон
шъхьадэ over шъхьадэон
шъхьапыры over beyond шъхьапырыон
кӏэлъыры adjutant кӏэлъырыон
зэкӏэ backward зэкӏэон
зэбгыры scatter зэбгырыон
жэхэ unto жэхэон
жэдэ toward mouth жэдэон
кӏоцӏы within inside кӏоцӏыон
лъы toward лъыон

он - Azerbaijani



  1. Cyrillic spelling of on (ten)

он - Bashkir


  • IPA: /ʊ̞n/
  • Hyphenation: он (one syllable)


он (on)

  1. flour
    • Арыш оно.
      • Arış ono.
      • Rye flour.
    • Баҙарҙан ике тоҡ он һатып алдым.
      • Baðarðan ike toq on hatıp aldım.
      • I bought two sacks of flour at the marketplace.
    • Табаҡҡа биш йомортҡа һытығыҙ, ондо ҡушып болғағыҙ.
      • Tabaqqa biş yomortqa hıtığıð, ondo quşıp bolğağıð.
      • Crack five eggs into the bowl, add flour and stir.


singular plural
absolute он (on) ондар (ondar)
definite genitive ондоң (ondoŋ) ондарҙың (ondarðıŋ)
dative онға (onğa) ондарға (ondarğa)
definite accusative ондо (ondo) ондарҙы (ondarðı)
locative онда (onda) ондарҙа (ondarða)
ablative ондан (ondan) ондарҙан (ondarðan)

он - Buryat


он (on)

  1. year

он - Chulym


он (on)

  1. ten

он - Erzya


он (on)

  1. sleep
  2. dream

он - Kalmyk


  • IPA: /on/


он (on) (Clear script spelling ᡆᠨ (on))

  1. year

он - Karachay-Balkar


он (on)

  1. ten

он - Kazakh


он (on)

  1. ten
    • он адам
      • on adam
      • ten people

он - Khakas


он (on)

  1. ten

он - Komi-Permyak


  • IPA: /ˈon/
  • Hyphenation: он


он (on)

  1. sleep
  2. dream

он - Komi-Zyrian


  • IPA: /ˈon/, [ˈo̞n]
  • Hyphenation: он


он (on)

  1. second-person present/future of оз (oz)


он (on)

  1. (dialectal) Alternative form of ун (un, dream)


Declension of он (stem: онм-)
Possessive declension of он

он - Kumyk


он (on)

  1. ten

он - Kyrgyz


он (on)

  1. ten

он - Macedonian


  • IPA: [ɔn]


он (on)

  1. (dialectal) he


он - Moksha


он (on)

  1. sleep
  2. dream

он - Mongolian



он (on)

  1. year

он - Northern Altai


он (on)

  1. ten


  • N. A. Baskakov, editor (1985), он”, in Severnyje Dialekty Altajskovo( Ojrotskovo) Jazyka- Dialekt Lebedinskix Tatar-čalkancev(kuu-kiži) [Northern Altai language-Dialect of Chelkan], Moskva: glavnaja redakcija vostočnoj literatury, →ISBN
  • N. A Baskakov, editor (1972), он”, in Severnyje dialekty Altajskovo (Ojrotskovo Jazyka- Dialekt kumandincev(Kumandin Kiži) [Northern Dialect of Altai -Kumandin Dialect(Kumandin kiži)], Moskva: glavnaja redakcija vostočnoja literatury, →ISBN

он - Russian

Alternative forms

  • онъ (on) Pre-reform orthography (1918)


  • IPA: [on]


он (on) (feminine counterpart она́, neuter counterpart оно́)

  1. third-person masculine singular pronoun: he, it.

Usage notes

  • Whenever a preposition stands immediately before any of the oblique cases of the third-person pronoun (singular or plural) and directly governs it, then an н- must be prefixed to the pronoun: от него́ (ot nevó) (from him), на нём (na njóm) (on him), у него́ (u nevó) (he has), к нему́ (k nemú) (to him), с ним (s nim) (with him).
  • This comes from Proto-Slavic prepositions such as *sъ(n) (sŭ(n), "with", cf. Greek σύν, Latin cum), that originally ended in -n and governed oblique cases. Since the prepositions and the pronouns occurred together so often, it was easy to lose track of which word the final -n belonged to, and the n was reinterpreted as part of the pronouns (Old English an, in the same way, lost its -n except before vowels, and sometimes gave it to the following word, as in English adder from Old English nædre), so that Proto-Slavic *sъ(n) *jьmi became modern Russian с ни́ми (s ními), and this new rule was extended to all prepositions governing any third-person pronoun.
  • Note that if the preposition does not directly govern его́ (jevó) (i.e., when его is a possessive pronoun), then н- is not prefixed: у его́ бра́та (u jevó bráta) (at his brother’s), от его́ ма́тери (ot jevó máteri) (from his mother), в его́ ко́мнате (v jevó kómnate) (in his room).
  • When there is another word separating a preposition and any oblique case of он, the н- is not added: у самого́ его́ (u samovó jevó) (with him himself).


singular plural reflexive
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
m n f
nominative я (ja) ты (ty) он (on) оно́ (onó) она́ (oná) мы (my) вы (vy) они́5 (oní)
genitive меня́ (menjá) тебя́ (tebjá) его́, него́1 2 (jevó, nevó1 2) её6, неё1 (jejó6, nejó1) нас (nas) вас (vas) их, них1 (ix, nix1) себя́ (sebjá)
dative мне (mne) тебе́ (tebé) ему́, нему́1 (jemú, nemú1) ей, ней1 (jej, nej1) нам (nam) вам (vam) им, ним1 (im, nim1) себе́ (sebé)
accusative меня́ (menjá) тебя́ (tebjá) его́, него́1 2 (jevó, nevó1 2) её, неё1 (jejó, nejó1) нас (nas) вас (vas) их, них1 (ix, nix1) себя́ (sebjá)
instrumental мной, мно́ю4 (mnoj, mnóju4) тобо́й, тобо́ю4 (tobój, tobóju4) им, ним1 (im, nim1) ей, е́ю4, ней1, не́ю1 4 (jej, jéju4, nej1, néju1 4) на́ми (námi) ва́ми (vámi) и́ми, ни́ми1 (ími, ními1) собо́й, собо́ю4 (sobój, sobóju4)
prepositional3 мне (mne) тебе́ (tebé) нём1 (njom1) ней1 (nej1) нас (nas) вас (vas) них1 (nix1) себе́ (sebé)
  1. The alternative forms starting with "н-" (n-) are used after a preposition.
  2. The letter "г" (g) in the genitive/accusative case ending is pronounced as /v/.
  3. The prepositional case is never used without a preposition.
  4. Instrumental forms ending in "-ю" (ju) are either dated, poetic, or dialectal.
  5. Archaic feminine form: оне́ (oné).
  6. Archaic form: ея́ (jejá).

он - Rusyn


он (on) (feminine вна́, neuter вно́)

  1. he
    • Ани он, ани его сочасникы не поважовали тогочасный церковнославянскый язык за чужородный.
      • Any on, any eho sočasnykŷ ne považovaly tohočasnŷj cerkovnoslavjanskŷj jazŷk za čužorodnŷj.
      • He or his contemporaries did not consider Church Slavonic of that time as a foreign language.

он - Serbo-Croatian


  • IPA: /ôːn/


о̑н (Latin spelling ȏn)

  1. he


он - Shor


он (on)

  1. ten

он - Southern Altai


он (on)

  1. ten

он - Tajik


  • IPA: /ɔːn/


он (on)

  1. that


он (on)

  1. that
  2. it
  3. she
  4. he

он - Tuvan


  • IPA: /ɔ̃n/


он (on)

  1. ten
Meaning and Definition of он
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