
See also: неа, нёя, не'а, and не-а

нея - Bulgarian


  • IPA: [ˈnɛjə]


не́я (néja) f (personal)

  1. full form of the third-person singular feminine pronoun in the accusative case, used as the direct object of a verb, translated as her when the noun is animate, and as it when the noun is inanimate
    • Оттогава не съм виждал нито нея, нито приятелите ѝ.
      • Ottogava ne sǎm viždal nito neja, nito prijatelite ì.
      • Since then I have seen neither her nor her friends.
    • Още не бях извадил личната си карта, когато полицаят ми взе и нея.
      • Ošte ne bjah izvadil ličnata si karta, kogato policajat mi vze i neja.
      • I had barely taken my identity card out when the policeman snatched it too from me.
  2. the third-person singular feminine pronoun in the prepositional case, used as the object of a preposition, translated as her when the noun is animate, and as it when the noun is inanimate
    • Според нея филмът е страхотен.
      • Spored neja filmǎt e strahoten.
      • According to her, the movie is great.
    • Извади носна кърпа от джоба си и си издуха носа в нея.
      • Izvadi nosna kǎrpa ot džoba si i si izduha nosa v neja.
      • He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and blew his nose into it.
Number Person Gender Nominative (subject) Accusative (direct complement) Dative (indirect complement) Prepositional
Full Short Full Short
SingularFirst аз (az) мен (men) ме́не (méne) ме (me) ме́не (méne) ми (mi) мен (men) ме́не (méne)
SecondInformal ти (ti) теб (teb) те́бе (tébe) те (te) те́бе (tébe) ти (ti) теб (teb) те́бе (tébe)
Formal Ви́е (Víe) Вас (Vas) Ви (Vi) Вам (Vam) Ви (Vi) Вас (Vas)
ThirdMasculine той (toj) не́го (négo) го (go) не́му (nému) му (mu) не́го (négo)
Feminine тя (tja) не́я (néja) я (ja) ней (nej) ѝ (ì) не́я (néja)
Neuter то (to) не́го (négo) го (go) не́му (nému) му (mu) не́го (négo)
PluralFirst ни́е (níe) ний (nij) нас (nas) ни (ni) нам (nam) ни (ni) нас (nas)
SecondInformal ви́е (víe) вий (vij) вас (vas) ви (vi) вам (vam) ви (vi) вас (vas)
Formal Ви́е (Víe) Вас (Vas) Ви (Vi) Вам (Vam) Ви (Vi) Вас (Vas)
Third те (te) тях (tjah) ги (gi) тям (tjam) им (im) тях (tjah)
Meaning and Definition of нея
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