
See also: Variations of "nas"

нас - Bulgarian


  • IPA: [nas]


нас (nas) (personal)

  1. full form of the first-person plural pronoun in the accusative case, used as the direct object of a verb; us
    • Иска ми се Мартин да беше поканил и нас.
      • Iska mi se Martin da beše pokanil i nas.
      • I wish Martin had invited us as well.
  2. the first-person plural pronoun in the prepositional case, used as the object of a preposition; us
    • Повечето от нас мислят, че предолжението е добро.
      • Povečeto ot nas misljat, če predolženieto e dobro.
      • Most of us think that the proposal is a good one.
Number Person Gender Nominative (subject) Accusative (direct complement) Dative (indirect complement) Prepositional
Full Short Full Short
SingularFirst аз (az) мен (men) ме́не (méne) ме (me) ме́не (méne) ми (mi) мен (men) ме́не (méne)
SecondInformal ти (ti) теб (teb) те́бе (tébe) те (te) те́бе (tébe) ти (ti) теб (teb) те́бе (tébe)
Formal Ви́е (Víe) Вас (Vas) Ви (Vi) Вам (Vam) Ви (Vi) Вас (Vas)
ThirdMasculine той (toj) не́го (négo) го (go) не́му (nému) му (mu) не́го (négo)
Feminine тя (tja) не́я (néja) я (ja) ней (nej) ѝ (ì) не́я (néja)
Neuter то (to) не́го (négo) го (go) не́му (nému) му (mu) не́го (négo)
PluralFirst ни́е (níe) ний (nij) нас (nas) ни (ni) нам (nam) ни (ni) нас (nas)
SecondInformal ви́е (víe) вий (vij) вас (vas) ви (vi) вам (vam) ви (vi) вас (vas)
Formal Ви́е (Víe) Вас (Vas) Ви (Vi) Вам (Vam) Ви (Vi) Вас (Vas)
Third те (te) тях (tjah) ги (gi) тям (tjam) им (im) тях (tjah)

нас - Macedonian


  • IPA: [nas]


нас (nas)

  1. Long direct object form of ние (nie).

Usage notes

  • This pronoun form often incorrectly replaces the indirect object form "нам".

нас - Mongolian


нас (nas) (Mongolian spelling ᠨᠠᠰᠤ (nasu)); (hidden-n declension)

  1. age, time, year, life, lifetime
  2. life expectancy, expectancy

Derived terms

нас - Russian


  • IPA: [nas]


нас (nas)

  1. genitive/accusative/prepositional of мы (my)

нас - Serbo-Croatian


  • IPA: /nâːs/


на̑с (Latin spelling nȃs)

  1. of us (genitive plural of ја̑ (I))
  2. us (accusative plural of ја̑ (I))


singular plural
nominative ја̑ ми̑
genitive ме̏не, ме на̑с, нас
dative ме̏ни, ми на̏ма, нам
accusative ме̏не, ме на̑с, нас
vocative ми̑
locative ме̏ни на̏ма
instrumental мно̑м, мно́ме на̏ма


нас (Latin spelling nas)

  1. of us (clitic genitive plural of ја̑ (I))
  2. us (clitic accusative plural of ја̑ (I))


singular plural
nominative ја̑ ми̑
genitive ме̏не, ме на̑с, нас
dative ме̏ни, ми на̏ма, нам
accusative ме̏не, ме на̑с, нас
vocative ми̑
locative ме̏ни на̏ма
instrumental мно̑м, мно́ме на̏ма

нас - Ukrainian


  • IPA: [nas]


нас (nas)

  1. genitive/accusative/locative of ми (my)
Meaning and Definition of нас
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