
See also: естъ and -есть

есть - Old Novgorodian

Alternative forms

  • есте (este) (year 1165±25)
  • е (e) (year 1170±10)
  • ѥсть (jestĭ) (year 1350±10)


есть (estĭ)

  1. third-person singular present of бꙑти (byti)

есть - Russian

Alternative forms

  • ѣсть (jěstʹ) Pre-reform orthography (1918)


  • IPA: [jesʲtʲ], (proscribed, only the infinitive and its derivations) [jisʲtʲ]


есть (jestʹ) impf (perfective съесть or пое́сть)

  1. to eat
    • Он ел мя́со и сала́т.On jel mjáso i salát.He was eating meat and salad.
    • есть поедо́мjestʹ pojedómto make somebody's life a misery by nagging


Note: For declension of participles, see their entries. Adverbial participles are indeclinable. * Rare.
imperfective aspect
infinitive е́сть jéstʹ
participles present tense past tense
active едя́щий jedjáščijе́вший jévšij
passive едо́мый* jedómyj*е́денный jédennyj
adverbial едя́ jedjáе́в jév, е́вши jévši
present tense future tense
1st singular (я) е́м jémбу́ду е́сть búdu jéstʹ
2nd singular (ты) е́шь jéšʹбу́дешь е́сть búdešʹ jéstʹ
3rd singular (он/она́/оно́) е́ст jéstбу́дет е́сть búdet jéstʹ
1st plural (мы) еди́м jedímбу́дем е́сть búdem jéstʹ
2nd plural (вы) еди́те jedíteбу́дете е́сть búdete jéstʹ
3rd plural (они́) едя́т jedjátбу́дут е́сть búdut jéstʹ
imperative singular plural
е́шь jéšʹе́шьте jéšʹte
past tense singular plural (мы/вы/они́)
masculine (я/ты/он) е́л jélе́ли jéli
feminine (я/ты/она́) е́ла jéla
neuter (оно́) е́ло jélo

Derived terms



  • IPA: [jesʲtʲ]


есть (jestʹ)

  1. inflection of быть (bytʹ):
    1. present indicative
    2. first/second/third-person singular/plural present indicative imperfective
  2. there is, there are, exists/exist (expresses availability, existence or presence)
    • Antonym: нет (net)
    • в э́той газе́те есть интере́сная статья́v étoj gazéte jestʹ interésnaja statʹjáthere is an interesting article in this newspaper
  3. am/is/are located (at) (usually omitted)
  4. used to express possession
    • у меня́ есть вопро́сu menjá jestʹ voprósI have a question
  5. am, is, are (used with any person or thing in any number, usually omitted but used for emphasis)
    • кто ты есть?kto ty jestʹ?who are you (at all)?

Usage notes

  • This form of быть (bytʹ) is special and most frequently used in the present tense, for past and future tense and other forms, see быть (bytʹ).
  • The pre-reform orthography (1918) form ѣсть (jěstʹ) doesn't apply to this sense, only to the sense "to eat"; thus, the two terms were spelled differently before the reform.


  • IPA: [jesʲtʲ]


есть (jestʹ) (military, not in general use)

  1. yes!, hooray!
  2. okay, right, roger
  3. (military) yessir!
  4. (nautical) aye-aye!
Meaning and Definition of есть
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