third-person singular

third-person singular - English


third-person singular (plural third-person singulars)

  1. (grammar) The form of a verb used (in English and other languages) with singular nouns and with the pronouns he, she, it and one (or their equivalents in other languages).
    • "Is" is the third-person singular of "to be".
  2. The pronouns he, she, it and one (or their equivalents in other languages).


  • Chinese: 第三人称单数
  • French: troisième personne du singulier (fr) f
  • German: dritte Person Singular
  • Hungarian: egyes szám harmadik személy
  • Italian: terza persona singolare f
  • Japanese: 三人称単数 (sanninshō tansū)
  • Korean: 3인칭 단수 (saminching dansu)
  • Portuguese: terceira pessoa do singular
  • Romanian: persoana a treia singular f
  • Spanish: tercera persona del singular
Meaning and Definition of third-person singular
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