
leur - French



leur m pl or f pl

  1. (personal, indirect) (to) them
    • Je leur ai donné un coup de main.
      • I gave them a hand.
Number Person Gender Nominative (subject) Accusative (direct complement) Dative (indirect complement) Locative (at) Genitive (of) Disjunctive (tonic)
SingularFirst je, j’ me, m’ moi
Second tu te, t’ toi
ThirdMasculine il le, l’ lui y en lui
Feminine elle la, l’ elle
Indeterminate on1
Reflexive se, s’4 soi4
PluralFirst nous nous nous
Second vous2 vous2,3 vous2
ThirdMasculine ils3 les leur y en eux3
Feminine elles elles
  • 1 Also used as the first person plural.
  • 2 Also used as the polite singular form.
  • 3 Also used when a group has both men and women.
  • 4 Also used as third person plural reflexive.


leur (plural leurs)

  1. their
    • Je peux voir leur maison d'ici.
      • I can see their house from here.

Derived terms

Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine
Possessor Singular First person mon1mames
Second person ton1tates
Third person son1sases
PluralFirst person notrenos
Second person votre2vos2
Third person leurleurs
  • 1 Also used before feminine adjectives and nouns beginning with a vowel or mute h.
  • 2 Also used as the polite singular form.


leur - Middle French



  1. (object pronoun) them


Meaning and Definition of leur
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