
ezen - Breton


ezen m pl

  1. Plural form of azen.

ezen - Hungarian

Pronominal adverbs from case suffixes (cf. postpositions)
edsuffixwho?what?thisthathe/she (it)*
case v. pr.c.
nom.kimiezaző* / -∅ az / -∅
acc.-t / -ot / -at / -et /-ötkitmiteztaztőt* / -∅ azt / -∅c1 c2
dat.-nak / -nekkinekminekennekannaknekineki-c
ins.-val / -velkivelmivelezzel/ evvelazzal/ avvalvelec
tra.-vá / -vékivémivéezzéazzác
e-m.-ul / -ülc
ine.-ban / -benkibenmibenebbenabbanbennec
ade.-nál / -nélkinélminélennélannálnálac
ill.-ba / -bekibemibeebbeabbabelebele-c
sub.-ra / -rekiremireerrearrará-c
el.-ból / -bőlkibőlmibőlebbőlabbólbelőlec
del.-ról / -rőlkirőlmirőlerrőlarrólrólac
abl.-tól / -tőlkitőlmitőlettőlattóltőlec


  • IPA: [ˈɛzɛn]
  • Hyphenation: ezen


ezen (demonstrative)

  1. (agreeing in number and case with the head of the phrase, followed by a definite article) superessive singular of ez
    • Synonyms: (standard) ez, e, (the latter two are literary) eme
    • Coordinate terms: (standard) az, azon, (the latter two are literary) ama
    • ezen az asztalonon this table
    • Ezen a honlapon olvastam, hogy…I've read on this website that…


ezen (demonstrative)

  1. (formal, archaic, indeclinable and invariable, followed by no article) this, these
    • Ezen épület ad otthont az országgyűlésnek.This building houses the parliament.

Usage notes

Along with e and eme, ezen is a fairly literary and archaic substitute for ez, but unlike the latter, ezen, e, and eme do not take the case of the noun they are attached to, and no definite article (a or az) is used after them:

  • ezen a helyenezen helyene helyeneme helyen (“at this place”)
  • ebben a házbanezen házbane házbaneme házban (“in this house”)

Although the subsequent noun may occasionally be in the singular superessive (-n/-on/-en/-ön), the presence or absence of the definite article unambiguously help in determining the meaning.

For more remote locations, az, azon, and ama are used (in decreasing order of frequency). E has no such counterpart as its place is taken by the definite article a.

Derived terms

  • ezennel



  1. superessive singular of ez
    • Coordinate term: azon
    • Ezen még gondolkodom.I'll give this some more thought. (literally, “On this, I will still think.”)

Derived terms

ezen - Sumerian



  1. Romanization of 𒂡 (ezen)
Meaning and Definition of ezen
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