
See also: del, Del, dėl, -del, de l', Del., dēļ, and

dél - Hungarian


  • IPA: [ˈdeːl]


dél (countable and uncountable, plural delek)

  1. noon
  2. (singular only) south, abbreviated as D

Usage notes

  • (noon):
Adverbs of temporal nouns     (see also: Hungarian words of time)
no suffix (the nouncan act as an adverb)nappal (daytime), reggel (early morning), délelőtt (late morning), délután (afternoon), este (evening), éjjel / éjszaka (night), and vasárnap (Sunday)
-kor (at)pirkadat / virradat (dawn), napkelte (sunrise), napnyugta (sunset), alkonyat (dusk), szürkület (twilight), éjfél (midnight), hours and minutes, and the names of holidays (húsvét (Easter) etc.)
-ban/-ben (in)dél (noon), hajnal (daybreak), names of months (januárdecember) and hónap (month), évszak (season), év (year) and specific years, évtized (decade) and longer periods
-n/-on/-en/-ön (on)days of the week (hétfőszombat) except Sunday, days of the month (elseje (1st), másodika (2nd) etc.), nap (day), hét (week), nyár (summer), and tél (winter)
-val/-vel (with, assimilated: -szal/-szel)tavasz (spring), ősz (autumn, fall)
  • (south): Names of compass points are not capitalized in Hungarian unless they refer to a given bloc of countries or states or when they are part of a proper name (e.g. Nyugat-Szahara). However, their abbreviations are capitalized and have no dot at the end. (The dotted forms are the abbreviations of the related adjectives suffixed with ‑i.)



Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
Possessive forms of dél


Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
Possessive forms of dél

Coordinate terms

(compass points) égtájak;

északnyugat (ÉNy) észak (É) északkelet (ÉK)
nyugat (Ny) kelet (K)
délnyugat (DNy) dél (D) délkelet (DK)

Derived terms

  • (noon):
Compound words
  • (south):
Compound adjectives and common nouns
Compounds proper nouns

dél - Kashubian


  • IPA: /del/


dél ?

  1. board, plank

dél - Spanish



  1. (obsolete) of him, from him
Meaning and Definition of dél
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