
cardinality - English


cardinality (plural cardinalities)

  1. (set theory, of a set) The number of elements a given set contains.
    • Synonym: power
    • The empty set has a cardinality of zero.
  2. (type theory) The number of terms that can inhabit a type; the possible values of a type.
  3. (data modeling, databases) The property of a relationship between a database table and another one, specifying whether it is one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many.
  4. (religion) The status of being cardinalitial

Usage notes

(set theory): The cardinality of an infinite set is an infinite cardinal number. The smallest such number, called aleph-null and denoted ℵ₀, describes the natural numbers; the next is aleph-one. The cardinality of the real numbers is greater than aleph-null, though whether it is equal to aleph-one is the subject of the continuum hypothesis.


Meaning and Definition of cardinality
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